Monday, December 5, 2011

Adventures in being 22 and Nick Minton's show

So this past Saturday was my 22nd birthday. WOOHOO! It is the weirdest feeling not really have an age to be excited about anymore. I guess it's all down hill from here? Who knows. But I got to spend my birthday with some amazing friends and I feel blessed to have them in my life. There was some tiny drama that I still haven't dealt with yet and I'm really hoping that I just don't have to. I honestly love my birthday. It's the one day where I can be totally selfish and not feel guilty because it's my birthday and I do what I want. All that aside I know everyone had fun and I'm grateful that Corie and Chandra let me have my little get together at their place. It was awesome.

Friday was Nick's senior show at the Tractor Beam. For the past few years he has been documenting his great grandmother, Rose. The pictures were stunning of course and I'm glad that I got to see some new photos. My mom had met me out there and she loved the show as well. We both could connect on a personal level especially with the photos of moving out of the house that Nick's great grandfather had built. It made me wish that I had known I wanted to be a photographer all those years ago when we moved out of my grandparents house. There are always so many things that you look back on and think well shit I wish I had my camera then. The thing that I love about Nick's photography is that he can document something so hectic, like moving, and make it so clean and perfect and it just blows me away. The show was amazing and I hope for nothing but more success in Nick's future!

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