Katie has to be by far my favorite self portrait photographer out there right now. All of her work is just absolutely stunning and speaks volumes about herself. She is a California based photographer and I discovered her on Flickr one day while I was searching their interesting photos from that week. She just recently had a baby and so most of her work has been spread out and less of herself but even when she takes pictures of her baby you get a real sense of who she is.

I actually went to high school with Loren and while I didn't know her well I love getting to see her pictures online. She takes some amazing self portraits and I will forever be jealous of them.

3. Cindy Sherman
I think what really draws me to Cindy's work is that she has this amazing ability to make her self portraits look like they were grabbed right out of a movie. It really really fascinates me!

Rosie is another photographer I discovered from Flickr and her self portrait never cease to amaze me! She is based in England and I'm not sure if she ever says exactly where but I do know that she comes to America a lot and got accepted to Glasgow. She does a lot of post production in photoshop and there has been a lot of arguing whether that makes her a photographer or just someone who works with digital graphics. Either way she takes these pictures of herself beautifully and knowing how to edit them to get the picture you want is all apart of the game as well.

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